New series designed to protect

My grandmother entrusted me, as the oldest grandchild, with an Italian prayer handed down in my family for generations on Christmas Eve. In this video she shares the process of curing one who has “the Malocchio” (Mal = Bad, Occhio = Eye.)

I removed the actual prayer after my father said I was trusted with a tradition and my d**k would fall off if I ever told anyone. You will hear him share a story of how his grandmother performed Malocchio as well.


The Amulet series was inspired after reading this article by Claire Reid, I started to create amulets while in isolation surviving the 2020 pandemic. My own ancestry and personal admiration of d**k led to the natural development of this phallus series. I’m sharing prototypes here and will soon be accepting pre-orders.

Stay tune for the opportunity to protect your home with a flying phallus of your own.

Until then stay safe and be well!

“GREAT WEBSITE!! Plus a very Excellent copy written on the Amulent site.

I particularly liked the phrase “ my own ancestry and personal admiration of d**k led me to the natural development of.......”.

What a honest perception and such a hoot!❤️ love mom”

— Mother approved